Funds raised for projects
Volunteers, donations, & sponsors
Projects funded
Wyoming where all the funds stay
About WSG
Founded in 2013, we embrace the opportunity to promote the future of sportsmanship in field and stream. We work with conservation groups, youth groups, the Wyoming Game and Fish, the U.S. Forest Service, regional biologists, and other non-profit organizations. We proudly strive to have a voice in the management of our big game, fisheries, and small game resources in Wyoming.

Most recent WSG funded projects
2023 Projects—Over $130,000.00 in
local projects funded
2023 WSG Backpack Program
2023 WSG College Scholarships
Hulett Family Fun Day
Wright Family Days
High School Trap League
4-H State Shooting Sports
Campbell County Predator Callers
Hulett Field Day
YES House Hiking Project
Keyhole Fish Cleaning Station
Upton Gun Club Banquet
Wyoming Sportsman’s Group Family Fun Day
4-H Shooting Sports
Wyoming State Shoot
Clear Creek Fish Passage & Rehabilitation at Interstate I-25
Unified Youth Camping Trip
Brucellosis and Chronic Wasting Disease
5th Grade Camp Roberts Outdoor Education Experience